

The 大学美术馆 offers a variety of 教育al and public programs each semester. 这些学习的机会, discovery and enrichment involve interactive discussion-based tours of exhibitions, 研讨会, 以及定制的体验. 下面列出了我们与社区互动的方式.

类, 社区团体, 学生组织, and parties of 11 or more people interested in visiting the gallery should fill out our group visit request form below. 我们要求 提前两周通知 for group and class visits and cannot guarantee accommodation for unexpected or last-minute visits.


The 大学美术馆 embraces collaboration with faculty and staff in all academic departments and programs. We explore ways to make relevant curricular connections between our exhibitions and course content. These class visits are customized to the needs and interests of the related professors, and faculty in ALL academic disciplines are welcome and encouraged to bring their classes to the Galleries by scheduling a visit.

My students had a wonderful time and learned so much about the current exhibition.


多萝西罗杰斯,教授, 教育 基础课程,带了两个班, 哲学取向 教育 and 美国的历史基础 教育, to learn more about Visual Thinking Strategies and how to write wall texts from 大学美术馆 student employees.

安德鲁·阿特金森艺术教授 & 设计,带来了他 数码相片及影像 来探索Ajamu Kojo艺术作品背后的过程. 大学画廊的学生雇员使用了 教育 空间 to unpack the Mischtechnik and explained behind-the-scenes footage.

珍妮特拉什, Teacher, Visual Arts, visited campus with students from grades 7-12 from the 丹泽尔华盛顿艺术学院 for a tour of the exhibition led by 大学美术馆 student employees and faculty from the department of Art & 设计. They also created art in response to the question “How would you like to be remembered?在… 教育 空间.

丝竹李艺术教授 & 设计,她的学生来自 永恒的画 and 空间 visited the gallery to engage in observational drawing of works by artist Ajamu Kojo after learning more about the artist’s own practices in our 教育 空间.
对合作感兴趣? 查看我们的大学社区资源


The 大学美术馆 welcomes the community to engage with our exhibitions and programs, 并定期服务于以下受众:

  • 幼儿小组
  • 成人及长者组别
  • 企业及商业团体
  • 非营利组织
  • Colleges, middle schools, high schools, and clubs within these institutions

每次访问都是根据小组的需要和兴趣量身定制的, 并且可以包括各种各样的活动. 访问高中有机会与招生人员见面, 相关教师, 参观校园,同时体验画廊的展览. 其他可能性包括现场表演, 艺术制造活动, 寻宝活动, 互动体验, 和更多的. Group organizers can express the goal of the visit and interests in particular activities when submitting our 团体参观申请表.


Alongside in-person visits, the Galleries organizes the following which are available year-long:

  • 虚拟产品,包括:
    • Matterport captures of past and current exhibitions are available to view on the respective exhibition’s page on our website. 参观者可透过数码方式浏览我们的展览, and can also schedule a time for a guided virtual tour and other activities using our 团体参观申请表
    • Online presentations and guided discussions about past and current exhibitions, and/or curated thematic selections from our permanent collection conducted via Zoom
    • Public programs conducted virtually (and a livestream option usually available in our exhibition space) and documented on our YouTube
  • 非现场项目,包括:
      • 向学校、非营利组织和其他团体做报告
      • 艺术创作工作坊及其他教育活动


学生在大学画廊的运作中起着至关重要的作用. Our student employees engage with experiential learning in museum practices and are assigned to specific roles tailored to their skills and interests in visitor services, 社交媒体, 教育, 收藏管理, 编程和更多. 我们目前的学生团队学习一系列学科, 从政治学到动画再到工商管理. 我们目前提供以下职位 联邦工作研究 候选人和 实习 获得课程学分.

登录握手 to learn more about these opportunities and to apply for a position with the 大学美术馆’ student team.


大学美术馆 received ADA approval from the NJ Theater Alliance and the NJ State Council on the Arts and regularly collaborates with organizations that serve people with a variety of disabilities and special needs. Our main exhibition space, the George Segal Gallery, is a wheelchair-accessible facility. 除了提供以讨论为基础的展览参观, 我们为有特殊需要的人提供各种便利.


We produce numerous public programs each year in conjunction with exhibitions that are free and open to the general public. For the full list of programming and events, visit the university calendar and 注册我们的邮件列表 第一个知道即将发生的事件.


  • School groups must provide at least one adult chaperone per ten students, 而且必须有监护人全程陪同. Chaperones will be responsible for enforcing appropriate behavior in the gallery spaces.
  • There is a suggested donation per participant for groups that engage in hands-on activities.
  • 食物和饮料必须放在前台. 游客可携带封闭的水瓶.
  • Flash and/or professional photography equipment is not allowed without prior written approval from 大学美术馆 staff. 游客可以用手机拍照.
  • Large and bulky items, including purses and bags, must remain at the front desk.
  • 宠物和情感支持动物不允许进入画廊. 服务的动物 是允许的, 根据大学政策.
  • 每次预订仅限于预定的时间范围. 我们不能保证住宿,如果你 group arrives earlier than scheduled nor can we guarantee an extension to your reservation if you arrive late. 如果您迟到了,请与我们联系.
  • Due to limited space, we ask you arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your scheduled time frame.
  • 出于礼貌, we ask to be notified of cancellations or requests to reschedule at least 48 hours in advance of your visit. 大学展览馆保留取消任何活动的权利 visit 对于不可预见的情况. 我们会尽快通知团体重新安排.